Privacy Policy

The website complies with Legislative Decree. 196/2003 and the GDPR (European Regulation 679 of 2016 for the protection of personal data) to protect personal data by offering maximum transparency to its visitors.

The public browsing the site approves this privacy policy by consenting to the processing of personal data, according to the purposes described in this document.

The legal basis of the processing is the use of the contents requested by the user while browsing the site. It takes place according to the consent of the user who has full right to deny the collection and subsequently change his preferences on the processing of personal data by this site.

The site is hosted in the data centers of the OVH hosting service, with the possibility of collecting some traffic data generated through log files, such as the IP address and the date and time which will be kept for 5 years. This data could be used to protect the security of the server as a legitimate interest of the company, by blocking unauthorized access attempts or D-Dos attacks. They will never be used to identify or profile users, but exclusively to guarantee the security of the service itself.

Place and data controller

The data controller is Decaseo di Magni Federico, based in Via Geromina 10 in Treviglio (BG), Italy which can be contacted via this form.

The following subjects are also appointed as persons in charge or responsible for data processing:

OVH Srl is the hosting service that manages the hardware infrastructure on which users’ personal data is saved and transmitted. It joins CISPE (Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe) to guarantee high levels of security.

All personal data collected by the site are processed by the data controller and by OVH Srl, with registered office in Largo Volontari del Sangue, 10, 20097 in San Donato Milanese at its data centers in the European Economic Area, acting in compliance with European legislation following safety standards.


The site has undertaken every possible effort to make the transfer and collection of personal data as safe as possible, through the hardware infrastructure, software and other IT tools.

Personal data provided

Among the various services of the site, the personal data that may be requested from the user are:

  • Email address
  • Personal data for billing purposes (name, surname, tax code, VAT number, address, city)

Purpose of processing

This data is required to respond to emails requesting information or to create a quote, but nothing will be sold to third parties.

Payment takes place on the pages and server according to own policies set out here or via according to own policies set out here.

Visitor rights

Each visitor is guaranteed the right to exercise the rights set out below (in illustrative and non-exhaustive form) by making a request to the data controller via the contact form on the site:

  • right to access and receive confirmation of the existence of your personal data
  • right to erasure and oblivion
  • right to limit processing
  • right to data portability
  • right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (Privacy Guarantor).

I. The personal and demographic data provided to Decaseo di Magni Federico when completing the registration form on this web page are processed using automated and non-automated tools, with controlled access and according to the methods prescribed by the Law and related regulations implementation, in compliance with this legislation and the confidentiality obligations set out therein;

II. By processing of personal data pursuant to the Law, we mean any operation or set of operations, carried out with or without the aid of electronic or automated means, concerning the collection, recording, organisation, conservation, processing , modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, diffusion, cancellation and distribution of data;

III. The data is processed for purposes connected or instrumental to the activity of Decaseo di Magni Federico, such as archiving in the Decaseo di Magni Federico database for the provision of emails relating to advice on the acquisition of new customers and:

A. to fulfill legal obligations related to ci regulationsviability, tax and accounting,

B. to allow the User to access the website of Decaseo di Magni Federico or its customers / partners, for purposes strictly connected to the provision of online services and, in particular, to respond to requests to send information material from the User himself for the purposes of the administrative management of the activities carried out by Decaseo di Magni Federico who provide the service;

IV. The provision of Registration Data for the purposes referred to in points A and B is mandatory, resulting, in case of failure to provide it, in the impossibility for Decaseo di Magni Federico to carry out the provision of the services.

V. The data is collected in a Database and may be communicated to the following subjects:

A. Decaseo di Magni Federico for sending the information on the service displayed on this site.

Personal data will not, in any case, be disclosed.

YOU. The data controller is Decaseo di Magni Federico with headquarters in Via Geromina 10, 24047 – Treviglio (BG).

VII. The data is processed using suitable tools to guarantee security and confidentiality in accordance with the law with controlled and limited access to authorized parties. The data will be stored in a database to which only Decaseo di Magni Federico has access for the provision of the service present on this site.

VIII Rights of interested parties. You may exercise the rights referred to in the art. 7 of the Law by contacting Decaseo di Magni Federico at the address indicated above. In particular, you have the right to obtain confirmation at any time of the existence or otherwise of data concerning you and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, or rectification. . Pursuant to the same article, you have the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, their processing.


During access, the user will receive small information about their device in text files called “cookies” automatically saved in the directories of their browser.

The visitor has the right to refuse processing by not providing the data. If the user decides to disable this function, he may not be able to navigate the site in the best way, but the possibility is not excluded.


Technical cookies are used for the correct functioning of some sections of the site and can be persistent (they remain even after the browser is closed) or session cookies (they are destroyed when the browser is closed).

Consent for technical cookies is not required according to the law.

Consent to other cookies can be expressed by the visitor through a specific browser configuration or by changing the settings for the use of third-party services.

Cookies used by the site

Below are all the cookies that may be used at a given time while browsing this site.

OTHER COOKIES (technical):

– PHPSESSID – session technician – is used by WordPress to identify a user’s single session.

– The YouTube video was embedded via ‘privacy-enhanced mode’ to avoid the installation of profiling cookies. Furthermore, only after starting the video is it possible that cookies are installed by Google according to the cookies policy , but not for tracking viewing behavior.

– ginger-cookie – persistent – remembers the viewing preferences of the banner on acceptance of the information.


Google Chrome:

Go to information >

Open Chrome Browser

Click the menu in the browser toolbar

Select Settings

Click Show Advanced Settings

In “Privacy” click on the “Content settings” button

In “Cookies” change the cookie settings:

Allow data to be saved locally

Change local data only until the browser is closed

Prevent sites from setting cookies

Block third-party cookies and site data

Manage exceptions for some websites

Deleting one or all cookies

Mozilla Firefox

Go to information &gt ;

Open Mozilla Firefox

Click the menu

Select Options

Select Privacy

Click Show Advanced Settings

In “Privacy” click “Content settings”

In “Tracking” change the following cookie settings:

Request sites not to track

Communicate to the siti the availability to be tracked

Do not communicate any preferences regarding the tracking of personal data

From the “History” section you can:

By enabling “Use personalized settings” select to accept third-party cookies (always from the most visited sites or never) and to keep them for a specific period (until they expire, when Firefox is closed or to ask every time)

Remove individual stored cookies

Internet Explorer

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Run Internet Explorer

Click Tools and choose Internet Options

Click Privacy and in the Settings section change the slider according to the desired action for cookies:

Block all cookies

Allow all cookies

Selection of sites from which to obtain cookies: move the cursor to an intermediate position so as not to block or allow all cookies, then press on Sites, in the Website Address box enter a website and then press on Block or Allow

Safari 6

Go to information >

Run Safari

Click Safari, select Preferences and press Privacy

In the Block Cookies section specify how Safari must accept cookies from websites.

To view which sites have stored cookies, click on Details

Safari iOS

Go to information >

Run the iOS Safari Browser

Click Settings and then Safari

Click Block Cookies and choose from the various options: “Never”, “Third party and advertisers” or “Always”

To delete all cookies stored by Safari, click Settings, then on Safari and Delete Cookies and Data


Go to information >< /a>

Open Opera

Click Preferences and then Advanced and Cookies

Select one of the following options:

Accept all cookies

Accept cookies only from the site you visit: third-party cookies that are sent from a domain other than the one you are visiting will be rejected

Never accept cookies: all cookies will never be saved

Finally, remember that it is also possible to disable cookies from third-party services using the following links:

Contact me

New Field


Treviglio, Bergamo, Italy

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